OG&E Data Center
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
This critical data center was built to withstand a EF-5 tornado.
New critical data center for Oklahoma Gas & Electric. Building is precast walls and double T’s for roof structure. Building is designed to withstand an EF-5 tornado (250 MPH winds). Data floor will consist of 70 racks day one with capacity for 40 additional racks. Mechanical system consists of 3 air cooled chillers day one with capacity for a 4th in the future. 4 CRAC units will be installed day one with space for 2 future CRAC’s. Two sources of power from the utility company (OG&E) plus two 1,750 KW generators for backup. Dual 600 kw UPS systems. All electrical and mechanical systems are maintainable without affecting data center operations. Clean agent and VESDA systems are included in the date room. Interior walls and doors around the data, CRAC and control rooms are level 3 bullet resistant.
Key Facts
Project size: 24,000 SF
Client: Oklahoma Gas & Electric
Architect: BatesForum
Services Provided
Toilet Accessories
Toilet Partitions
Fire Extinguishers & Cabinets
Air Cooled Chillers
Greenheck Equipment